Author: Votary Films

As the internet continues to evolve, search engine optimization (SEO, for short) has become an essential aspect of web marketing. With businesses increasingly focusing on a digital-first approach, it's crucial to understand how different types of content can directly impact SEO. Ever since Google’s acquisition of YouTube in 2006, video...

Last year was tough. Whether it was the economy, marketing budget cuts, organizational dysfunction, lack of planning, or all of the above, we had a rough six months or so. A lot became clear in that time. We’ve been fortunate in the past. We haven’t operated like a standard business operates....

Gone are the days of companies being able to skate by with dry and dull marketing strategies. With seemingly infinite choices of people to hire or non-profits to support, it’s more important now than ever to share stories told in support of what your business stands for, or showcasing those...

This is a phrase that I’ve been saying to myself and others lately and I’m not sure where it came from. It sounds like a mission statement of sorts and maybe I picked it up somewhere else, but it’s helped me gain clarity on some things I’ve been thinking about...

Being completely transparent here - if it isn’t obvious, filmmaking is expensive. It’s no secret that feature films on average cost over $5 mil and that’s on the low end. Commercials can go for $1 mil for 30 sec - 1 minute of screentime, and corporations invest hundreds of thousands...

The “authentic” buzzword - we’re hearing a lot of it these days. What does that even mean to “be authentic”? It seems like the statement presupposes most people aren’t being authentic. Does this mean that the average person in the business world is basically lying to you? Are they lying...